Friday, February 20, 2009

Kind Of Trite, I Know

So, I went through ALL my clothes. I have about half a regular-sized garbage full to give away. I threw away a couple things. I needed to find clothes that are "business casual" for my new job. I have quite a few things, but the problem is (not that's it's a real problem) that they all old. I got some of the stuff when I was in college and just after. The clothes are still in good shape, but, you know, I've had them a long time. Also, I lost quite a bit of weight, so some stuff is big on me. (I'm definitely not complaining about that.) I got rid of all the stuff that's way too big, however, I still feel as though I'm swimming in some of the clothes. I have quite a few sweaters that can pass as "business casual," and, luckily, sweaters always look kind of big on people, so that's cool. My issue is, when you get right down to it, I want some new clothes. I want like 4-5 pants/skirts and like 10-12 new shirts. Plus, I want a pair of closed-toe brown and beige shoes and a black pair. I need underwear, bras, and knee highs. I have a couple things that need to get hemmed. So, I want to find a place to do that. Also, I need my hair trimmed. Normally, I don't really care about any of this, but I really don't feel comfortable in many of the clothes I tried on. I do have a great pair of gray slacks, though. Plus, I have this great brown blazer (however, I do not have a skirt or pair of pants to match). I know going nuts and getting new clothes is not the best idea ever. I will probably lose more weight (which is awesome) and I am leaving for the Navy in 6.5 months. Plus, I have no money at the moment. I want something though (and more than just underwear). Dammit.

P.S. I'm really not complaining about losing weight. I just wish I had some money to buy a few cute things at Target.

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